Letter to My Sister
Dear Sarah,
I feel I already have failed you. Wasn’t I the one who volunteered to write the next post? Yesterday. After we agreed to a daily presence? Allow me to explain.
Well, I arrived home to a sick kid and the fallout of a SICK KID. And it was dinner time. Need I say more? The night promised to be a long one.
And then, today. It is not yet 10:00 a.m. Here is what I have done, in no particular order. (That would be too much to ask of my fatigued brain.) Three loads of laundry (one hanging on the line already). Fed the baby breakfast (man, can she EAT). Ate my own breakfast. Nursed the baby. Twice. Drank some coffee. Lost my coffee. Found my coffee. Drank some more (cold) coffee. Put the baby down. Picked the baby up. Answered the phone. RSVP for B’s party. Phew. At least somebody isn’t going away vacation week and can make it. Made a phone call to cancel a playdate for today (See SICK KID, above). Administered medication. Twice. Made tea with honey (for SICKO). Wiped a few noses. Got dressed. Got baby dressed. Skimmed newspaper. Learned, incidentally, that breastfeeding is now legal in Massachusetts. (Good to know I can’t be arrested in the park for indecent exposure while feeding my infant now.) Wiped down the table. Did a few dishes. Washed my face (a BANNER day!) Did I mention the LAUNDRY?
And yet, my house is a mess.
But the big kids are on the couch with dad, reading. The baby is asleep. Maybe I’ll brush my teeth.
I promise to do better next time.
LOVE you,
Originally posted in April 2009