Saturday, March 14
Opened my eyes at 8:38 a.m. Tried to resist the pull of my phone. Failed. Picked it up. Saw a reminder that my daughter’s ballet class (should have) started in 30 minutes. Daughter still sleeping. All classes and rehearsals were cancelled yesterday. For at least two weeks. I suspect longer.
Offered to make the coffee. I never make the coffee. Trying to maintain normalcy while also shaking it up? Checked in with partner aka usual coffee maker to be sure I didn’t mess it up. I didn’t.
Youngest came down with her wide brown eyes and asked, “Crepes for breakfast?”
Crepes for breakfast. Should have tripled the batter instead of just doubling it. #teens
11:34 a.m. Three kids fed. Me? Much coffee but no food.
Did I buy enough flour?
Yelled at the teen, who has been congested and very tired for the past few days, for not listening to me when I asked if he knew the symptoms of the virus.
Sometimes an irreverent family culture backfires.
Wrote a letter to the landlord of the organization that I’m on the board of. Can’t say more. Read between the lines.
Suggested to no one in particular that this may be a good time to find a jigsaw puzzle to do. (Thanks, Mom.)
Partner getting itchy and suggested some parameters around what kids can accomplish during the next two weeks. (Cleaning, organizing, helping more around the house.) *shrug*
I told him we should be prepared for more like six weeks.
Eldest teen: Choosing his courses for next year in high school. Financial Math. AP Physics. Videography. U.S. History. Statistics. Etc. How is he a junior? This is impossible. We are living in a world of absurdities, and this is one of them.
Went for a four-mile walk. Alone. Saw lots of people walking dogs. Kids on bikes. Ran into a friend and her baby. Walked at a social distance for a while. Good to connect and talk to her. Good to get a glimpse of her sweet baby’s chubby cheeks. Grateful I am not housebound with a baby. Or toddler. Or preschooler. I’ll take teens, thanksverymuch.
Came home and wrote At Home: Prequel.
I kind of wish my phone told me how many texts I’ve sent to a particular person over a particular time. If so, the texts between me and my sister would most certainly directly match the progression of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the past week. See here for important information that has nothing to do with my personal texting behavior, and can I just say holy CHARTS and GRAPHS!? Thanks, Tomas Pueyo! I don’t know you, but I am grateful for this info.
The rest of the day was spent trying not to look at Twitter, playing a game with my children (Picwits, delightfully ridiculous and fun, especially because I won!), watching Uncut Gems, not wanting to make dinner, making dinner (Barely. It was veggie dogs. No effort FTW.), spending a lot of time in my bed, joking about needing to update the calendar, feeling grateful, feeling frustrated, feeling uncertain.
I don’t know if each day will be a play-by-play or if I will get my brain back and be able to write more cohesive thoughts. Right now, on Day One, I’m not sure how this is all going to play out. There are presumed cases in schools attended by girls in my daughter’s ballet class. There are presumed cases being treated at the hospital down the road where all of my children were born. There are presumed cases at the hospital nearby where my partner was treated (read: saved) after his second heart attack. There is no normal anymore. We are all challenged with facing one day at a time. And we are so early in this thing. There are many, many people who are not yet socially distancing themselves. Who do not have access to the information I have. CNN! NYTIMES! The INTERNET! (Twitter.) We shall see.
Stay safe, everyone.